- The entirety of the "Hanson Classic" will be available PPV on the school channel in partnership with LiveTicket.Tv
- www.beavers.liveticket.tv
- The cost of the PPV daily ticket will be $12.50, as with the personal attendance, the PPV ticket purchase will allow access to all scheduled games for the day.
- PPV Pre-Sales will begin Janaury 10th for all the girl matchups
- All PPV sales will be via VISA, MasterCard, or PayPal
- All PPV sales will need to create a personal account with their email and a password. You will use this to login for each game in the video player on the liveticket.tv page
- Customer service is available at (833) 605-5483 extension #0
Hanson Classic Streaming
January 9, 2024